Bring Your Business to the Next!
台灣益控通公司是由一群有工業自動化產業背景的朋友所成立的公司,為知名電商平台,提供專業的顧問諮詢、案件服務、整合行銷,企圖創造業界雙贏;提供產業模組化解決方案,讓中小企業可以快速提升產業競爭力。如需外包協助,平台有超過600 間的系統商與20 位顧問可以服務,讓工廠端與系統服務端可以彼此交流,提升台灣產業競爭力!
台灣製造業一年營業額接近1 兆元台幣,但是超過90% 為中小企業( 公司人數50 人以內且資本額小於5000 萬台幣),超過60% 以上為外銷。面臨國際的競爭,需要提升智慧製造的能量。
益控通成立平台的目的,在於可以同時間服務廣大的製造產業。模組化解決方案,價格約在3 萬至50 萬元不等,可處理工廠自動化產線的遠端監控問題,並且提供目前國內外的成功案例,清楚說明投入該解決方案可帶來的效益。目前平台主要營收來自工業自動化產業:模組化的解決方案、線上經銷硬體、媒合案件、顧問諮詢等。當客戶上傳規格到平台,我們有專業的產品經理進行規格審查,透過最佳的自動化供應鏈人脈,媒合適合該案件的系統商,只跟媒合成功的系統商酌收1% 手續費;同時也透過外部的經銷商介紹案件,並分潤手續費,以降低業務
Bring Your Business to the Next! Digorlon Tech. is a startup founded by a team of experts in automation territory.
We create a humanized platform providing requirement-matching service, technological knowhow update, and
consultation. Digorlon Tech. dedicate in finding solution to pain points for manufacturers and enterprises. There
are up to 200 companies and 600 system integrators enrolled in the platform; at least 20 consultants can give
professional advices to your project, upgrading the value and competitiveness in the very industry.
Customer in needs can upload requirements and specifications to the platform, and our product manager will
review the whole contents, matching suitable candidate of system integrators who can provide best solutions.
We only charge 1% commission fees from the system integrator side. So, what are you waiting for, just UPLOAD